Partner with Us We want to  see as many households and communities in Malawi... - ...having the knowledge to make well-informed decisions about which cooking and lighting energies to use - ...knowing where and how to get those devices and fuels to their homes - ...having access to the necessary means (initial investment and repayment mechanisms) to be able to integrate renewable energy sources in their daily lives. Hence, we are welcoming and seek partnerships with - NGOs who work in rural areas to commonly enhance awareness raising and training on the roots and consequences of    deforestation and environmental degradation and on RE alternatives useful in the communities, - government institutions and the academia to scale-up successful approaches to rural energy supply based on RE, - micro-finance institutions who want to provide energy loans to rural communities, - foundations who want to con tribute to a revolving economic empowerment fonds which can help families access inititial    low yet too high capital to install the RE devices at their homes - and all others who are dedicated to our goals. Renew’N’Able Malawi’s partner network is fast growing and includes non-for-profit organizations, foundations, consultancy firms as well as the pivate sector. Please get in touch if you would like to join us on a project or have fresh ideas or concept which you would like to discuss and make reality with us!
About Us Malawi & Energy Renewable Energy Technologies Projects & Concepts Support Our Work
1: index
2: welcome
3: about_us_news_overview
4: about_us_news_bioenergy
5: about_us_news_fieldprojects
6: about_us_news_policy & sector
7: about_us_news_others
8: about_us_history
9: about_us_board
10: about_us_headofficeteam
11: about_us_partners
12: about_us_contacts
13: about_us_socialnetworks
14: about_us_pr
15: about_malawi
16: about_malawi_2
17: challenges
18: challenges2
19: photo_gallery_deforestation
20: challenges
21: literature list - re and climate change
22: technologies
23: solar cooker
24: gelfuel stoves
25: biomass_briquettes
26: biogas_intro
27: plant_oil_cookers
28: ethanol_stoves
29: solar_pv
30: wind electricity
31: projects
32: projects_rurenki
33: projects_rurenki
34: projects_rurenki_photo galleries_operations_bvumbwe energy kiosk
35: projects_rurenki_photo galleries_operations_dzenje energy kiosk
36: projects_rurenki_photo galleries_setup_bvumbwe energy kiosk
37: projects_rurenki_photo galleries_setup_dzenje energy kiosk
38: projects_rurenki_photo galleries_setup_dzenje energy kiosk
39: projects_rurenki_Local Electricity Inventor Competition
40: projects_rurenki_Local Electricity Inventor Competition - Category 3
41: projects_biogas-trial
42: projects_sunnystations
43: ready_for_future
44: knowledge_transfer_lead_visit
45: support
46: thank_you
47: donors_institutional
48: sponsoring
49: donation_box_patron
50: arts for good
51: empower a family
52: volunteer
53: partner_with_us
54: vacancies
55: vacancies_financeadmin
56: vacancies_pmassistant
57: networks_conrema
58: networks_conrema_database
59: networks_mbaula
60: conrema_form_answer
61: conrema_pre-survey
62: renamcod_form_answer