
This campaign is a brainchild of the Strategic Partnership for Green and Inclusive Energy (GIE) which consists of currently five Malawian civil society organizations:

Youth Network and Counselling (YONECO)
Malawi Health Equity Network (MHEN)
National Association of Business Women (NABW)
Community Energy Malawi (CEM)
and Renew’N’Able Malawi (RENAMA).

It is supported by Hivos International as a contribution to both the United Nations’ Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiative and the Sustainable Development (SDGs) Goal 7.

Each of the partner organizations has a focussed project in 2017 for the specific target groups they are working with e.g. health sector, youth, women. CEM and RENAMA as energy-focussed NGOs are helping to create and share correct information and advocacy materials which can also be used by other CSOs in Malawi so that outreach can be maximized and the right information can go out to the people.

RENAMA has been tasked to support the Hivos International project responsible, Mr. Yamungu Botha, to coordinate the partners’ inputs, alongside working on their own dedicated project goals under the theme ‘Driving Top of the Mind Awareness on Green and Inclusive Energy in Malawi’. The "Mphamvu-Now!" advocacy campaigns at the core of these activities.

This project has the following objectives

Creation of a user friendly digital energy education platform where various Civil Society Organizations can learn more on Green and Sustainable Energy

Increasing knowledge and advocacy power of Malawian households on the topics of Green and Sustainable Energy

Demystifying the language surrounding energy in the local Malawian context and languages

The Mphamvu Now! campaign secretariat is currently managed by Mr. Wonderful Mkhutche and can be reached under

Strategic Partnership for Green and Inclusive Energy