Movement for Bio-Energy Advocacy, Utilisation, Learning and Action (MBAULA) Secretariat

Mbaula - originally, the Chichewa word for “stove” – now also stands for the “Movement for Bio-Energy Advocacy, Utilisation, Learning & Action in Malawi”.

The MBAULA network originates from a mailing list of about 40 stove practitioners created the 2012 Stove Camp. Since then, it has been recognised by the National Cookstrove Steering Committee (NCSC) as an instrumental actor in reaching Malawi’s ‘2 million cookstoves by 2020’ goal.

In 2016, thanks to funding from EnDev, RENAMA has been hosting a 3-person secretariat to help manage this ever-growing network.

For more information, don’t hesitate to visit their excellent website or to join their mailing list!


Funded by:

Energising Development (EnDev)

In partnership with:

National Cookstove Steering Committee (NCSC)